What is this?

This site is not affiliated with Wikipedia.

This is an evil experiment demonstrating that social previews in Slack and Teams can be an easy way to mislead or phish. In fact, it took a while to find a domain that was similar to Wikipedia because anything with the word wikipedia requires trademark verification.

How does it work?

Create any wikipeda.co URL like https://en.wikipeda.co/wiki/Giant_Three-Headed_Hamsters (desktop) or https://en.m.wikipeda.co/wiki/Giant_Three-Headed_Hamsters (mobile) and paste it into Microsoft Teams, Slack, Discord, Twitter, or similar. You'll see a social media preview that mimics what someone would see had you pasted a real Wikipedia link, but with the title replaced with whatever you wrote after /wiki/. For example:

Sample 1

This might be enough to convince someone that your topic, like giant multi-domed rodents, actually exists. If the user clicks the link, they will see a large Wikipedia page about the topic, but that page is really the biography of Mark Twain with references to him replaced by the topic.


You can add and remove .m to the URL to toggle the mobile version of Wikipedia. You can also change the language subdomain to something like es or simple since I suppose Mark Twain is renowned enough to have pages in other languages and versions.

You can add a custom description or image using the form below. There is no authentication. Data expires after a day because that should be long enough for a joke. Descriptions and images will appear in the social media preview, too.

Sample 2


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Statistics: 1305 page views, 286 edits.